This morning, trees and mountains shook
Yawn and shiver, stretch and quake
The river joined the babbling brook
Now is time to wake
The flowers rose to meet the sun,
miles above the forest
In timely manner she’d begun
warming up the chorus
Mothers stirred their sleeping babes
fawn and pup and fingerling
who from the river, den, and caves
emerged in time to sing
From high above I watched the choir
gather on the forest floor
carpeted with leaves of fire
Earth, a final snore
The swelling sun then set the tone
Choir ready, steady stood
to sing the forest’s morning song
but sing no member would
Another song this morning sung
bellowed deep and shook the ground
A mother’s heavy, mournful wail
Instead the only sound.
I flew toward the awful cry
far too late, damage done
I watched her with a weary eye
lay to rest her son.