He came in through the window
made to join their separate worlds
while the others only moved
behind the frame
The arrow shot today,
buried deep within the bone,
was yesterday deflected
by the pane
No move was calculated
nor the arrow drawn debated
but intended, so she thought,
for her dinner at the start
Sometimes seeing happens
somewhere other than the eye
sometimes knowing happens
deep within the heart
It’s easier to say her hand
was guided by a higher intuition,
seeking balance, knowing
some great secret truth
Than it is to say a daughter
innocently trades a father
for a mother’s only son
eye for eye, tooth for tooth
Whether acting in the name
of justice, anger, or revenge,
the leaves are stained the same
alarming shade of red
Her heart is just as heavy
as before the arrow hit
the nights are just as restless
whether one or two are dead
At first, she tried to run
when the images would haunt her
or the river tried to taunt her
as she washed her sin away
Whispering, What kind of monster
kills the man who saved its life?
What kind of life is lived
alone among the graves?
In truth, she dug a second one
more slowly than the first
but by the time she had it finished
had grown wary
The trees that towered over her
spoke softer than the river
saying gently,
This one isn’t yours to bury
It took her seven days
to move his body just a mile
to the window he had entered through
just seven days before
And through the sweat and blood,
as she was climbing through the mud
she felt the opening
of some internal door
Truth was riding on the breeze
leaving bits and pieces
here and there
and she collected every word
She saw within her voiceless throat
a gift she’d never seen
for in silence
nothing ever goes unheard
The seven days it took
to move his body just a mile
felt toward the end
as if it had been years
For seven days she stitched
the bits and pieces of the truth
into large enough a quilt
to dry her tears
A fabric strong enough
to contain her heavy heart
double stitched and folded
end to end
Long enough to wrap
around his body, warm enough
to help her say I’m sorry
to a friend
Though it took her seven days
to reach the window where he entered
seven days for all the truth
to be disclosed
It took only the tiniest
of fragments of a second
once they disappeared inside
for it to close