Betty white
Born 1922 (98 years old)
“I may be a senior, but so what? I’m still hot.”
Betty White is 98 years old. Her 80+ years in television makes her career as an entertainer the longest of all time, even with the break she took to transport military supplies with American Women’s Voluntary Services during WWII. Afterward, she did all the things. She was dubbed the First lady of Game Shows, and blazed a trail as the first woman to ever produce a sitcom.
In 1954, she started The Betty White Show. She hired a female director (gasp!), and a cast member names Arthur Duncan who was black (double gasp!). When the show went national, southern stations threatened to boycott unless she got rid of Duncan, to which she replied, “Live with it”. She then gave Duncan more air time. God I love her so much.
Betty was the first woman game show host to win a daytime Emmy. She now has so many awards that the wikipedia chart made me go cross-eyed. For an idea of how loved she is now, check out the standing ovation she received during her 2018 Emmy Speech. Or you can go all out and learn all about her zillion moments of badassery with the Netflix documentary The First Lady of Television. NBC even threw her a star-studded 90th birthday party that featured a call-in appearance from Barack Obama.
Betty White was my very favorite Golden Girl, ❤️Rose ❤️. Her painting has flung me into a total binge-fest of the seven seasons that the show ran. I cannot recommend doing this enough. Replace the news with it for awhile, and just see what kind of magic happens.
Thank you, Betty White.