gloria steinem
Born 1934 (86 years old)
“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.”
I heard Gloria Steinem say “Imagine we are linked, not ranked” at least five times today. The front page of her website features those very words, giant and bold. She talks a lot about circles as symbols of this link, our unity as human beings.
A) I did not know Gloria Steinem was such an immense hippie
B) Be still, my heart.
I really thought I knew some stuff, and this project has humbly smacked me down several pegs. I knew of Gloria as a feminist, journalist, and civil/women’s rights activist. But I’m not even sure I’d ever heard her speak before today. And to be perfectly honest, I had an image of her in my mind as much louder and angrier than she is. I’m embarrassed to even say that. What a gross stereotype. I’ve been examining the beliefs I hold about these women before learning about them vs. after, and it’s enlightening.
Gloria Steinem is ridiculously accomplished. She’s been given the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the National Civil Rights Museum’s Freedom Award, and an absurdly long list of others that you can find on her site. I think my favorite was the lifetime achievement award from Parenting Magazine for her work promoting the self esteem of young girls.🥺In terms of her journalism, she’s best known for being a founder of New York and Ms. Magazine. After hearing her talk about it and checking out the Ms. Magazine website, I want every copy ever. Give Gloria a listen. She speaks passionately, empathetically, and WAY intelligently about a zillion topics, and she is such a joy to learn from.
Thank you, Gloria Steinem.