Lady gaga
Born 1986 (34 years old)
20% of all profits from these prints will be donated to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation
Okay FIRSTOFALL how did I paint this woman all day long and listen to documentaries about her and not know that her mom is from West Virginia!? I showed my mom my painting and she was all like “yeah her mom was a WVU cheerleader” and I thought silly Mum I would know that I’m an expert on her after one day of painting BUT SHE TOTALLY WAS.
Anyway. Look at this painting!! I love her. I loved painting her sparkly eyes and glossy lips, and I love the halo. And it was super cool to listen to her talk/sing/wear meat dresses all day. I kind of knew I would probably paint Lady Gaga, but I think I painted her today because I wanted to be expressive after yesterday’s focused, controlled painting. I’ve never called myself a little Monster, but I have mad respect for this Badass for several reasons.
She writes her own music, and is a pretty badass classically trained pianist.
She gots PIPES. I am an avid collector of inspiring female vocalists, and she is among my collection.
She’s weird. Like, meat dress weird. She was bullied as a kid for being weird, and uses her platform to speak out against bullying and encourage others to hoist their freak flags to the highest possible position.
Speaking of her platform, it is HUGE. She has FORTY-FOUR MILLION followers on Instagram. wtf. Barring any accidents/anomalies, that’s eighty-eight million ears ready to listen to her every word. It’s a power she doesn’t take lightly. She has always been a very outspoken advocate for LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, and mental health. She has openly discussed her experience with sexual assault and the PTSD that followed. Imagine how many fans she has helped heal through her own honesty.
She started the Born This Way Foundation which does a zillion things to enhance the mental wellness of young people, and she has given a metric s-ton of money to a slew of amazing causes.
She is a total artist. Not just a musician, but a total package performance/visual artist in every way. She is walking art. She wore a coat made out of a ton of Kermit the Frogs. I love her for it.
She just released her sixth consecutive number one album. She’s won so many awards that I’m gonna be honest, I don’t want to list them all. It’s daunting. And it isn’t just music she’s throwing out into the world. She just published a book called Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness and Community.
Maybe I am a Little Monster after all. Thank you, Lady Gaga.