Linda childers
#95!!! is my artist friend, Linda Childers.
I first got to know Linda when she took a mixed media class I taught in my studio in town. She was passionate about exploring new ways of working and challenging herself as an artist. I loved spending time with her, and it didn’t take me long to realize she was a badass.
Linda was a teacher for over thirty years. I only made it for three...respect 🙌. She retired to finally become a full time artist, and with her new free time discovered lots of other passions as well. She is an absolutely dedicated activist who gives of her time to causes that do not earn her praise or probably even acknowledgement most of the time. When she was diagnosed with MS, she educated herself about everything she could do to change her outcome, and when she started making progress she immediately created a support group so she could teach others.
I’d love for you to watch the video below about Linda. It had less than 150 views earlier and it needs a lot more. It also does a much better job of telling her story than I can (though it doesn’t even cover the half of what she does for our community). To me, Linda is a badass because she chooses to live her life in a way that will leave the world a better place. She doesn’t have to do that, but it’s what she chooses. And she’d do it just the same whether 150 people watched a video about her or a million. Whether I painted her or didn’t. This is so important and speaks to her character.
You don’t have to win a presidential medal of freedom or a Grammy to be a badass. You don’t have to be famous or have a fancy title. The most badass thing that I think anyone can ever do is to live in this insane world and decide to show it love. To care about others, and to give what you can to help better the lives of those around you. To share knowledge and fight for what’s right, even when no one is watching.
Thank you, Linda ❤️