Nancy pelosi
Born 1940 (80 years old)
“Maybe it will take a woman to clean up the house.”
When asked what advice she would give women interested in politics, Nancy Pelosi says, “You know how to get it done. Be your authentic self. Be yourself. Know your power”.
This badass woman certainly knows her own power, and so does everyone else. She's been called the most powerful woman in America/Congress/politics. Personally I’ve noticed a correlation between a woman's power in politics and how many childish names Donald Trump can think of for them. By that metric, Nancy Pelosi might be the most powerful woman in the world.
Nancy has been busting through glass ceilings like a bulletproof boss since she entered politics in 1976. She currently serves as the first female Speaker of the House, breathing down the weird neck of Mike Pence as third in line. She fights for affordable health care, equal pay for women, and LGBTQ rights, among a ton of other progressive issues. And she has a brilliant track record for getting. shit. DONE.
Overlooking many more important political moves that make Nancy Pelosi a true Badass, I'd like to instead focus on that one time she ripped Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech in half right behind his tiny orange head.
Thank you, Nancy Pelosi.