Oprah winfrey
Born 1954 (66 years old)
“Be thankful for what you have. You’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
I realized fairly early in this project that I wanted to paint Oprah. I now realize there are die-hard Oprah fans who go so far as to list her among their top spiritual guides in life, but when I started these works I didn't really know that. I had only seen an occasional Oprah interview. I have never even seen the Color Purple.
I knew I needed to paint her when I suddenly realized that she's been with me through this project from the beginning. I learned about Maya Angelou while I painted her by listening to her interview on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. Her 2020 Visionary Tour made painting and learning more about Michelle Obama a joy. She interviewed Betty White on the Oprah Winfrey Network. I watched her interview with Dolly. Malala. Toni. Brené. Lady Gaga. Pink. The list goes on and on. Apparently Oprah compiled my list of badass women long before I did, and did a lot of the work for me.
Today, I just listened to her. I listened as other people Interviewed Oprah and spoke about her life. Her life as the dirt-poor child of a teenage mother in Mississippi. She was born with barely anything, and was frequently relocated to bed cared for but different family members. She ran away. She suffered sexual abuse and lost an infant child of her own at only fourteen years old.
Outwardly, it does not appear that Oprah was provided with a paved path to follow to success. She was certainly not born with anything resembling a silver spoon. Regardless, she says she has always felt a deep understanding of a higher calling, and has made her choices in life based on a trust in her own instincts. She is frank and open about her journey to who she is now: the first black multi-billionaire on this continent. The “Queen of Media”. One of the biggest philanthropists of our time. Oprah has donated over four hundred million dollars in her life, most of which has gone to educational programs for girls and women.
Oprah doesn't just throw money at problems. She gives her time and energy to try to make the world a better place. I loved listening to her talk about arriving at the realization that if she always focused on her intentions, she would be heading in the right direction. She makes the concept of living a purposeful, intentional life seem understandable and attainable. She even somehow makes motivational speeches actually feel motivating and not just super cheesy. Oprah is the epitome of an empowered woman using her influence to elevate and empower others.
Thank you, Oprah.